Tag: moving

Pack toys for storage like a pro

Eleanor P.Storage tips

Deciding to pack toys for storage can be a difficult process for everyone. Not only for you but also for your family members and your close friends.  Since moving is a very complex event that is comprised of many factors that tie into each other, organizational skills are a must. Add packing toys on top

How to make moving enjoyable

A couple getting the keys to their new home

Moving house isn’t something we associate with fun. Most of us dread this process and want to get it over with as quickly as possible. All the packing, decluttering and cleaning can get exhausting and boring. It’s not exactly something that people find interesting. Luckily, there are ways to speed up this process, but also

Summertime relocation guide

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
a palm tree over water

Summer is here! So no wonder why you are looking for a summertime relocation guide. And no wonder, since summer is the time where you have to most free time. Work hours seem shorter, kids don’t have school, and more general people are more relaxed. Most people use this time for relaxation with their family

How to organize a long-distance move

Image of a truck

If your goal is to organize a long-distance move that is going to be easy and efficient, you need to pay attention to various aspects of your move. We understand that it is not easy to come up with a quality moving plan. After all, as a moving company that has been operating on the

How to relocate your entire family stress-free

A family on the sea shore

Taking risk pays off sometimes. However, there are times and situations in which you should be taking risks and times when you should make sure to play it safe. In the case that you are looking to relocate your entire family stress-free, which do you think is the option that you should opt for? Playing

Prepare your motorcycle for relocation like a pro

Girl riding a motorcycle

Moving preparations represent one of the longlasting phases in your moving procedure. This is the phase that is going to start exactly when you decide that you are going to move. Even though you may not be aware of the fact where you would be moving to, you’ll be preparing for it. Obviously, the success of

Benefits of long term storage rental in Florida

Eleanor P.Storage tips
storage facility

Long term storage rental in Florida can be really helpful. There is simply some stuff that cannot be recycled, sold or thrown away. The items that we are talking about have a certain purpose. These items have no value at the present moment, however, they will serve a purpose further down the line. This doesn’t

Pack for storage like a pro

Entrance to storage units

Storage units have become very popular over the past ten years. The consumer society that we are living in nowadays has allowed us to obtain a lot of items. Some of them we use on a daily basis. Others are useful to us every now and then. A portion of our belongings represent the items

Best FL cities for college grads

a picture of one of the best FL cities for college grads

You graduated from college and you want to move to Florida? Congratulations, we will assist you with presenting you the best FL cities for college grads. We focused on the median income for residents with a bachelor`s degree. But, we also searched for how many young residents there are and what is the crime rate.

 How to stay organized after a move

Eleanor P.After the move

Moving is a difficult process. It takes time and patience and it gives people a lot of stress. After all that stress your job is not done. You need to adapt to your new home. This means you need to stay organized after a move, if you do not you will get stressed. Since you