How to handle disputes with landlords in Oakland Park FL

a book and a hammer representing a judge

Living in Oakland Park Fl has a lot of benefits. A peaceful area with low crime rates, and a lot of job opportunities will bring a smile on your face. Instead of buying your own house, it is much easier to simply rent it, until you have enough time and money for buying your own place. Until then, you should be prepared to handle disputes with landlords should they ever occur. It is not unusual that when the problem arises you are not on the same page with your landlord. One thing is certain, though, movers Oakland Park Fl will relocate you anywhere you want it.

Two men arquing. This is not the best way to handle disputes with landlords
Arguing will not lead you anywhere when you want to handle disputes with landlords, be calm instead.

Why disputes with landlords happen in the first place?

There are some common reasons why disputes occur in the first place. Once you know what they are, it will be easier to avoid the disputes and even when they happen. If you want to avoid the damage with moving household goods, it is best to hire pros.


Some damage is bound to occur when you live somewhere, it does not matter whether you live there for a month or for three years. Disputes with landlords sometimes happen because the tenant and the landlord cannot come to an agreement on who will pay for the damage. If the tenant feels that it is not their fault the boiler stopped working, and the landlord does not feel the same way, you will need to handle disputes with landlords. Usually, the tenant should pay for the damage if it is less then $50.

Subletting and guests

If you have a contract, it will probably contain a clause on this, as it is very important. When you are a tenant and you have your partner in the apartment most of the times, landlords can be against it. That is why it is very important to know what it says in your contract and if you are breaking any rules. The same goes for subletting. This has become a popular business lately. You would rent an apartment for a reasonable price and then make a business out of subletting. It is good in theory, but you need to have written consent from your landlord.

a broken window on an entrance door of a house
Sometimes the landlord does not want to pay for the damage, which is not always caused by the tenant

How to handle disputes with landlords?

When you want to handle disputes with landlords, the first thing you need to do is to be completely calm. Neither side will be happy over the dispute, so if you have to go through it be calm and respectful for the other side. Regardless of disputes with landlords, there are plenty of reasons why you should move to Oakland Park .

  • Be calm and polite – In most cases, the disputes can be easily handled by a talk in person, in which you will show understanding and cooperation. This can go a long way and save you the money, time and nerves. After all, you just want to live your life peacefully.
  • Read the lease contract carefully – A lot of disputes can be handled simply by sticking to the agreement made in the contract. Know exactly what it says in the contract. You should be well prepared for negotiation with your landlord. If you are right and your landlord does not respect the contract, you will be able to proceed with the dispute.
  • Save all the communication with the landlord- You should save the correspondence that you have with your landlord and you should get a hard copy of it. It is best if all of the correspondence goes via e-mail, as that is acceptable in court.
  • Take photos of the apartment before you move in – This is an excellent practice, as you will have proof of the condition in which the items were before you moved in.

All of this goes on to state that the best thing to do is to be prepared and to know your rights. Documentation, photos, and correspondence between you and the landlord is a must-have. This is also true for the situations when you have to handle disputes with movers as well. Because in case you go to court, you will have all the necessary proof.

a handshake over a desk
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to resolve the dispute with your landlord, just try to be patient

Is court the only option?

We must say, there are plenty of ways to handle disputes with landlords, that come before the court. We will now guide you through your options.

  • Mediator – If you failed to resolve the dispute with your landlord in person, then you might consider hiring a professional mediator. This is the first step in handling the dispute, and hopefully, it will end with this step. A lot of states offer the services of a professional mediator.
  • Arbitration – If you submit to arbitration, this means that the arbitrator will hear both side. He will issue a binding ruling that you must follow.
  • Hire a lawyer – If you hire a lawyer, then the chances are small that you will go to court. Many disputes resolve like this and it is a great way to handle disputes with landlords. Both you and your landlord should have a lawyer and reach a solution before going to court, if possible.
  • Small claims court – Disputes with landlords fall under the jurisdiction of the small claims court. Hopefully, here you will resolve all of your disputes with your landlord. Small claims court is also cheaper. They reach the verdict in small claims court sooner than in civil or criminal court, as well.

We want to emphasize, however, that a nice word will take you far when it comes to handling disputes. If you pay the rent on time, do not throw wild parties and are polite to your landlord, you should not have any issues. As we have seen, there are plenty of ways to handle disputes with landlords. And now that you know your options, use them wisely.

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