How long have you been living in your current neighborhood and don’t you feel like it may be time for a change? Once you decide to move to a new neighborhood, possibly even a city, all sorts of emotions will overwhelm you. What you can’t do is be blinded by those emotions and make a hasty decision. Unless you properly evaluate a neighborhood before buying a home in it, you will make a rash decision. And those are never good. Luckily you have us in your corner. As a top-rated moving and storage Florida company, we have relocated people to all sorts of different neighborhoods. We have more than enough experience to warn you of the things you should look for in your new neighborhood, and those that you should avoid.
Location, location, location
It’s all about the location! Your new neighborhood must have a favorable geographical position. That means that it should be close by to certain amenities, such as entertainment venues, the police station, hospitals, etc. Of course, just because a neighborhood is not located near the downtown area doesn’t mean that it’s unworthy of your time. Sometimes, suburbs have everything families with children need to thrive. Speaking of children, whether you are moving to Florida, remaining in the same city or moving to Asia, you have to have their wellbeing in mind. So, pay attention to the next item on our list.
To evaluate a neighborhood, all you have to do is look at schools
Your child is the apple of your eye. You want to give him/her a chance to receive a good education so that they could thrive in the future. That’s why before you set your heart on a neighborhood, you first have to look at the school district. Are the public schools well-ranked and known for devoted teachers as well as hard-working students with excellent results in their perspective careers and good SAT scores? Are there maybe elite private schools in the area? Or is the neighborhood known for delinquency and bullying? Those are all things you need to look into before deciding to bring your child into that area.
What are the people like?
When moving to a new place, you are not just changing your home. You are changing your entire surrounding, and that includes your neighbors. These are the people you will have to see day in and day out, and those same people can either make you happy or miserable. So, when evaluating a neighborhood, try to spark up a few conversations. Talk to the people from the area, and then decide whether you want to hire movers in Coral Gables to relocate you to the neighborhood. Sure, the rumor has it that people in Coral Gables are nice. But how can you be sure unless you do your part and talk to a few of them?
Look at the employment options
It doesn’t matter if you already have a job or even a business. Before you decide to call residential or commercial Florida movers, you first need to carefully evaluate a neighborhood. And you can do that by taking a peek at the employment options in the area. Are there any major employers in the area? Is the unemployment rate low? Are salaries in the area above the national average? And, after all, is your office close to the neighborhood you are looking into?
Places that have various employment opportunities can never be bad. They attract a lot of buyers, and even if you someday decide to sell your property, you can rest assured your house won’t be up for sale for a long time.
Watch out for red flags as well
Just like you looked at the aspects that are desirable for your future neighborhood, you also need to know what are the signs of trouble. If you wish to evaluate a neighborhood properly, these are the things to be on the lookout for.
- Unkempt yards – no reputable neighborhood will have unkempt yards. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules, and you may stumble across a home or two that don’t have groomed yards. But, rest assured that in a good neighborhood, over 90% of homes will have well-maintained yards.
- For sale signs – people don’t run away from good things, right? If you see a lot of ‘for sale’ or ‘sold’ signs, be wary. Chances are there’s something wrong with the neighborhood. Something you might be able to see only after making the mistake of moving here.
- Shabby-looking property – no one, and we do mean no one will live in a shabby house if they can help it. Usually, only foreclosed properties will have this type of look. And that is the biggest red flag of them all and the one to watch out from the most. So, keep your eyes wide open when evaluating a neighborhood, and pay attention to details.
To conclude
In order to evaluate a neighborhood, you will have to bring your A game. That means that you will have to witty, cunning, and perceptive. And you can’t allow yourself to make an impulsive decision. After all, buying a house is a costly investment, and you should take it lightly. After you do make a purchase and it turns out that you made the right decision, you will be grateful you did as pre our advice and researched before rushing into things. We wish you good luck and hope you won’t make a mistake that will come at a high price.