One of the most popular questions that we get asked is about the storage space after the move. What happens when you realize that the house you moved into has tinier rooms or less space for your items? Do you call Pompano Beach movers and ask to rent a storage unit? Well, this is one of the solutions – and a good one at that. The units we can offer you are safe and secure, and your items will be well-kept. However, what if told you that you can create additional storage space in your home? Think it is impossible? You are wrong! In this article, we give you detailed information on just how possible it is – and how to do it yourself!
Decluttering will help create additional storage space in your home
Decluttering is one of those things you often hear about, but never really pay too much attention to. They will tell you that it is the first step to getting an easier move. Basically, the fewer items you have, the less you have to move! This is correct, but decluttering can help you create additional storage space in your home after the move as well!
The logic is simple. The fewer items you have, the more space you will have in your home! But this is not the only perk of getting rid of your clutter. Having so many random things drains your energy and costs you time and money. When you clean your home, you need to pick everything up and later put it back together. That’s why it’s a smart idea to get some moving boxes Florida and pack up the things you are not using.
Go room by room and be ruthless. If you haven’t used something in a while, then there’s no need for it in your new home! What’s more, it is smart to do this process often. This is because clutter tends to reappear with ease. We either forget our magazines lying around, or we compulsively buy items that we don’t really need. So, every few months, go through your home and clean up all the things you are not using to ensure extra storage space in it.
The traits of good storage solutions
One of the many dangers of trying to create and ensure additional storage space in your home is listening to all sorts of crazy tips you might find online. We realize the irony of this article also being online, but the tips offered here really do work! To further out point – there are three things you should take note of when looking into storage solutions:
- Everything you do needs to – obviously – create additional storage space in your home;
- Most of the solutions should try to streamline your organization. Usually, you can do this by grouping items with similar functions together;
- Finally, you should try and find a home or a proper place for each item you have.
Using these rules, you will easily spot the difference between silly storage solutions and the ones who really clean up the mess and give you extra storage space in your home. A lot of them, however, make use of plastic storage containers, which are probably the best organization method we can give you.
There are many perks to using these bins. First, you will easily see what’s inside each container. This way, if you have a couple of them, you will not need to go through each one like you would do with boxes. However, the main drawback to them is that they are not as aesthetically pleasing as, let’s say, wicker baskets. So, keep in mind that you should think of the look and feel of a room before settling down on a sorting method.
Start thinking vertically to add additional storage space in your home
When people think about their homes, they usually think horizontally – that is, left to right. You think about a chair, and what you will place next to it. However, in order to add additional storage space in your home, you need to start thinking vertically. What if you could install a shelf on the wall above your sofa? Questions like this one are beneficial in this process!
Another thing people often forget is the space at their feet. The space between your knees and shoulders is called “prime real estate” since it is the easiest to reach. This is why many people advise you to keep your most-used items at this height. The rule is simple – out of sight, out of mind. If something is out of your prime real estate, then there’s a high chance it will become clutter in no time.
However, people often disregard how you can use the space outside of your prime real estate to create additional storage space in your home. These places are perfect for things that you use only annually – like clothes that are out of season or your holiday decorations. A thing to remember is that you should not store anything heavy above your head. You want to avoid injury when moving, but also after you are done with the process. So, don’t risk anything falling down on your head!
Think about storage units
Finally, a thing we cannot forget are the storage units out of your home. These are also a great way to create additional storage space in your home! All you need to do is pick up your phone and contact Moving Kings Van Lines FL! We have amazing storage services that you can pick and choose from – for any type of items. They are safe and secure, so you can enjoy the extra space in your home, while your items are safe in their new one!