Everyone`s favorite room in the house is certainly the pantry. This is a room where you can store everything related to food. Canned food, spices, fresh vegetables just to begin with. Some also store alcohol in here, and bottles of vinegar, olive oil and similar. This is a room in which a lot of food-related items can fit, and when you are moving it is good to have this guide. You can use the pantry to store dishes as well, but also cleaning chemicals. If you are in the business of packing a pantry for moving, we can help you with our useful guide. And nationwide movers Florida will help you with your move.
Obtain packing material
Go to your grocery store and ask them to give you some cardboard boxes that you can use for moving. They usually have leftover moving boxes, which is good for you as you will not have to pay for them. Also, make sure to have permanent markers and labels to label all of your boxes. Furthermore, it is vital to have plastic containers so that you can store all of your items safely. Additionally, ask if they have wine boxes in the grocery store, if not stop by the improvement store to get some. And of course, the duct tape is inevitable. This is all you need for moving household goods, but if you hire professionals they can obtain all of this for you.
Decide what items to move
As with packing all the other rooms in your house, some things will not make it to your dream house. The same goes for packing a pantry for moving. Get inside your pantry and take a good look at it. Bring along two bags with you in order to decide what will you do with the items from the pantry.
- Donate – If you have a lot of items that have a soon expiration date on them, you can donate food. This is the best way to deal with the food, and you will be happy that you shared a meal with someone. This can be canned goods, any unopened food that you have in a jar basically.
- Eat – Forget about ordering food before the move. If you have a lot of food in your pantry, try to use most of it. You will save money and eat healthier. This is particularly true for the items that you keep in your refrigerator or freezer. Try to use most of the food, because otherwise, you will have to do the following:
- Throw away – This should be your last resort when packing a pantry for moving. But, if you have soon-to-expire perishable items, it might be best if you throw them away. This should be done with all the opened bags that you have as well, like sugar, flour, vines, oils, etc.
Pack the items carefully when packing a pantry for moving
If you do not pack the food and related items carefully, then all the effort could go to waste. Be extra careful not to break anything while packing as some of these items are fragile, and you need to safely pack fragile items.
- Wine and other bottles – Use wine boxes for these, as they come in really handy and it is much easier to pack the items
- Jars – Place them on the bottom of the moving boxes, as they are heavy. Fill the rest of the box with spices as they can fill out the empty space between the jars. Who said packing a pantry for moving was hard?
- Spices, salt shakers, pepper shakers and similar – tape with duct tape to avoid anything being spilled over.
- Flour, sugar and other bagged food – You can pack them in grocery bags, but if they are opened you may want to consider throwing them away.
Always bear in mind if the cost of transportation is really worth the risk of spilling everything out. Sometimes it is easier to buy new items you need for your pantry in your city. Also, if you are moving internationally, then you need to check if there are some restrictions regarding food, as food is usually on top of the list of items your movers won`t move.
Label the boxes properly
Labeling the boxes is an excellent way to preserve whatever you have in them. Bearing in mind that movers rarely transport food, you will have to move some of the items on your own at the back of the truck. So, do not forget to label the boxes correctly, and always treat them gently. You definitely do not want oil or pasta sauce outside their containers where they belong. Write food or fragile on the boxes containing food or dishes and everything will be alright.
Pack the essentials box
Pack the items that you will use as soon as you arrive to your new house. This includes a set of dishes, utensils, spices, meat, vegetables. And this is only for those who are moving locally. When you arrive at your new place, you will not have to think twice about what will you eat for dinner.
When it comes to packing a pantry for moving, it may be tempting to just throw everything away. The truth is, there is no reason to give all the food, spices and alcohol up just because you are up against a challenge. You can decide that it is not worth the trouble and that is okay, but our advice is that you should try anyway. Good luck!