Category: Moving day tips

How to stay sane on a moving day

A woman biting her pen, trying to stay safe on a moving day.

There is nothing more important in this world than your mental and physical health. When a person is in good health, he or she can do just about anything. There are situations in this life, however, that make it difficult to keep our sanity, and moving is one of them. Trying to stay sane on

How to prepare for residential relocation?

The answer to the question “what is life about” is – It is about a lot of things, some of which may or may not be different for every individual. One of those things that are a constant truth for each one of us is that life is in the perpetual state of constant move

Buying moving boxes in Florida – tips and hints

Man holding boxes.

Need to buy moving boxes Florida, but don’t know where to start? This article can help point you in the right direction as you prepare to move.

What happens if the movers don’t show up?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
A deadline stopwatch.

Your moving day is finally here! All of that hard work you have put into planning and preparing for it now gets a chance to finally pay off. In a perfect world, your movers will be in front of your house exactly at the agreed-upon time. In practice, this doesn’t always happen. Sometimes, the movers

Moving in winter – how to avoid troubles?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
A man walking towards a wooden bridge, in a snowy forest.

Are you thinking of relocating? Let’s be realistic – picking the right time to do this is never easy; but have you thought about moving in winter? There are plenty of reasons to do this if you plan everything correctly and choose a great moving company like Moving Kings Van Lines FL. Of course, that

How to make a moving inventory list?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
Moving Containers Vs. Truck Rentals

People often underestimate how complex a process is moving. It is a very common thing and kind of goes with human nature. The truth is, actually, quite the opposite. According to some studies, moving is among the most stressful events in our lives. When you think about it, it should not come as a surprise

When is the best time to move home?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips

So, you have decided to move to another house/apartment? Well, congratulations are in order then! That is a big decision by anybody’s standards and also not an easy one at that. Leaving your home, especially for the first time is never an easy thing to do. Now, if you have been moving a lot, it

How to Avoid Injuries on Moving Day?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
Applied band-aid

Moving day is the most important day of all. Even if you plan everything properly and complete your item checklist – you can still get back to pick up items you haven’t previously. However, if you make a simple mistake or something unexpected occurs, relocation can be prolonged indefinitely. One of such cases is the

Tips for moving heavy weight items

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
A wall with a purple neon sign saying 'Be reasonable'.

When someone mentions moving, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? That’s right – packing and carrying stuff out. And that’s something you’re probably capable of doing yourself, but only up to a point. What do we mean by that? Well, it’s all right when you’re packing your clothes, magazines, and books. But

What to expect from a moving company?

Eleanor P.Moving day tips
Dawn on an urban street, with cars and vans waiting for the green light.

Are you preparing for a relocation? Then you’re probably on the verge of hiring a moving company. But how to choose? There are literally thousands out there, and all of them offer similar services? Well, as always – the devil is in the details. While most moving companies offer the same services, what separates the